Our School

Sarah Clare

I joined the governing body in 2020, when my eldest daughter started at Rush Common. I am pleased to be able to get such insight into what makes Rush Common tick and have been really impressed with the culture that the school’s leadership team are creating and the high-level of dedication shown by all of the team that I have come into contact with so far. I am the link governor for finance and I am also a member of the Business and Operations committee. In my day-to-day role I am the Director of Finance and Operations for a late-stage pharmaceutical company researching new drugs, specialising in tumour treatment. I am a chartered accountant with over a decade of post-qualification experience, more recently focussing on the life sciences industry. Before that I attained a first-class honours in Biology with Management from Imperial College London. Outside of work my two young daughters keep me pretty busy! I’m sure I’ll miss turning up to meetings covered in sticky jam handprints once they’re older. Until then I’ll embrace the finger painting and disastrous baking.